

Errand Express uses Pooler to provide wallet experience.

Errand Express is a logistics platform that allows individuals or businesses to perform last mile delivery, from items as little as documents to items as large as furniture and large equipment. Errand Express has vehicles ranging from motorcycles to trucks for large items.


The Actors

Sender & Recipient
The delivery worker
The channel - Mobile
Errand Express

Benefits of integrating Pooler to Errand Express


Errand Express can save over 70% development time by leveraging Pooler’s wallet system.


Errand Express customers can be issued wallets for them to be able to pay for services whenever they need it.


Errand Express customers can also pay for delivery services whenever they need it with the aid of Pooler Checkout.


Errand express can save cost by using pooler services for making payments.


Errand Express Delivery Workers are provided with wallets in which they are settled for every delivery made by them. This gives Errand Express the flexibility of choosing how and when they want to settle Delivery Workers.


Errand Express can embed finance into their logistics process there by expanding how creative they can get with their offerings e.g. loyalty rewards or offering loans for delivery workers with good ratings.


Errand Express Drivers would be settled faster as they wouldn’t need to wait till next day(T+1) to be paid for job executed daily

Download the Pooler mobile app

The easier way to receive payments