Explore how Pooler enables Eureka provide financial solution.

Eureka is a digital banking application that allows individuals and businesses create an account, request for loan, pay staff salaries, manage business expenditures and other financial activities from their mobile devices or their web browser.

The Actors

The users - Individual & Business
The channel - Mobile & Web App
Eureka App

Benefits of integrating Pooler to Eureka App


Eureka can save over 70% development time by leveraging Pooler’s wallet system.


Eureka can issue wallets that can be used for financial activities by their customers.


The wallets can be used for collections so that loans taken by customers from Eureka can be repaid in due time.


Eureka App can allow customers carry out inter-bank transactions courtesy pooler transfer APIs.


Eureka App can allow their business customers to send out invoices to their clients allowing their clients to pay these invoices via transfer courtesy Pooler checkout.


Eureka can carry out other functionalities that gives them control over their customers accounts like; (un)blocking a wallet, holding or releasing an amount from a wallet, and more

Download the Pooler mobile app

The easier way to receive payments