Pooler Wallet

Pooler wallet is here to make everything convenient.

Pooler Wallet enables your customers to store funds securely so that they can pay, save, or transfer money with ease.

Store funds safely

Your customers can fund their Pooler wallet and use the balance for future purchases, savings, and other transactions.

Make repeat purchases seamlessly

With funds stored in their wallet, your customers can quickly pay you without entering their card details repeatedly or leaving your platform to make a transfer.

Make peer-to-peer transfers

With the Wallet API, you can enable your customers to send money to other Pooler and non-Pooler users.

Why choose Pooler wallet?

Seamless payment collection

With Pooler Wallet, your customers can complete their orders with one click, making it easier and faster for you to collect payments.

Increased customer loyalty

Pooler Wallet ensures a secure and convenient payment experience for your customers, leading to greater trust and satisfaction.

Reduced transaction costs

Our fees are much lower than card transaction fees, enabling you to cut down costs and manage your business more efficiently.

Well-crafted to make integration very easy and smooth.

Easily integrate and iterate with our powerful and flexible APIs and well crafted documentation.


Download the Pooler mobile app

The easier way to receive payments